
Aug 28, 2021 08:41 (UTC)

[Notice] Restrictions to Accounts involving Payment Fraud


Greetings Adventurers,


Ever since our recent launch, it has come to our attention that a small group of users

Have been partaking in improper payment activity (chargebacks, fraud, disputes, etc) and obtaining products under false pretenses which is against our policy. 


Any accounts obtaining paid products other than the proper payment procedure will result in permanent account ban unless he/she can prove (with evidence) that can overturn the decision. 

Current banned users are unable to access the game as an alert window without text is exposed when attempting to enter the game.


Moreover, as we promised, Bless Unleashed PC continues to promote an honest and healthy gaming lifestyle. We are always ready to take aggressive sanctions against users who partake in actions which disrupt the on-going game service.


Account holders that are restricted to the game but believe that they did not participate in obtaining products under false pretenses, can contact our customer service for review.


Bless Unleashed PC Customer Service


Thank you.

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