
Aug 26, 2021 04:39 (UTC)

Restoration of Repeatedly Decreased Resurrection Currencies during Resurrection

Greetings Adventurers,

We have found out the issue where the resurrection currencies, ‘Gold’, ‘Star Seed’, and ‘Recovery Scroll’, were repeatedly decreased if players tried to be resurrected while a lag issue was occuring. The recent lag issue that occurred during the Bone Dragon hunting has been improved through the patch on August 22nd and players now can play the hunting on a smooth server environment.

As this issue is not occuring anymore, we have restored the abnormally decreased currencies during the maintenance on August 25th. As similar other cases occurred due to a lag were also found, 

we considered the entire period from the start date of service for cases of restoration.

The details are as follows.

  • Period of Restoration : August 6th 09:00 ~ August 25th 18:00 (PDT)
  • Restoration Case : If logs of repeated decrease on resurrection during the said period is confirmed.
  • Restored Items : Currencies for resurrection (Gold, Star Seed, Recovery Scroll)
  • Restoration Method : Providing through in-game Mail.
  • Mail Title: Compensation for Abnormally Decreased Resurrection Currencies

We will make efforts to provide a more stable game environment.
Thank you.

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