Aug 23, 2021 08:20 (UTC)
[Notice] Bless Unleashed PC Server Name Change
Greetings Adventurers,
Are you enjoying your time in the Lumios World?
Currently, Bless Unleashed PC’s server list is divided into server names according to the location/country.
We would like to inform you that the server names will be renamed to match the world of Bless Unleashed and create a more immersive gameplay experience.
The server names will be changed during the August 25th maintenance..
Please check out the details below!
■ Server Name Change Notice
▶ NA Region
Current server name |
New server name |
North America 1 |
Physera (NA) |
▶ World Description
- Physera
: The God of the World
A god who exiled the chaotic god Daimon, and established world order in the beginning era, then created five dragons and the World Tree Lily’anthes to complete the present world.
Because he is the creator of the world, large denominations have been formed around elves and human civilizations on all continents.
▶ EU Region
Current server name |
New server name |
Europe 1 |
Teleos (EU) |
▶ World Description
: The God of Healing
The God Of Healing often called the white dolphin, once prophesied that he would create the most perfect creature, but instead gave up his power and swore to take care of the mortal.
The Priests of Teleos were those who swore to heal others regardless of where they came from, and these people helped make the world peaceful.
▶ SEA Region
Current server name |
New server name |
Southeast Asia 1 |
Kuat Ran (SA) |
▶ World Description
- Kuat Ran
: The God of Lies
As the creator of the saurins, he is cunning and cruel, and enjoys deceiving his opponents with lies and illusions.
Once, he enjoyed the splendid glory of constructing the saurins civilization in the jungle at the southernmost tip of the continent, but was later hunted down by the dragons of Physera and cursed so he could not invade the northernmost part of the jungle.
▶ Effective Date
August 25th Maintenance
Thank you.