
Aug 06, 2021 10:28 (UTC)

Known Issues #1 - August 7th

Greetings Adventurers,


We want to inform the community regarding the known issues occured in the world of Bless Unleashed PC.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will try to fix the issues as soon as possible.

See the details below.


1. Steam overlay crashes the game.

- If the Steam overlay crashes the game, kindly deactivate the overlay in Steam.

▶ Deactivating Steam Overlay

Steam Library > Bless Unleashed > Properties > General > Turn off “Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game”


2. Issue of Lumena from Founder’s Pack

- Once you receive the Lumena item of Founder’s Pack from Premium Bag, the Lumena item is not supposed to appear in Premium Bag of other regions/servers, but currently it appears.

It is normal that Lumena cannot be received again once it’s received.

We are preparing for deleting those Lumena so as not to confuse players.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will make efforts to give you a better service.

Thank you.


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